TB1052- Mitsubishi Pajero & Triton low power, slow to rev, white & black smoke Clinton Brett | April 15, 2019 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.
TB1042- Mitsubishi Triton Pajero P0089 SCV stuck Clinton Brett | December 19, 2018 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.
TB1037- Mitsubishi ASX 4N1 2.2L P1499 DPF High temp fault code Clinton Brett | December 17, 2018 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.
TB1034 – Mitsubishi Triton 2.5L 4D56T engine not starting no codes, injector harness wrong way Clinton Brett | October 31, 2018 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.
TB1029- Mitsubishi ASX 4N1 2.2L P0299 Turbo fault Clinton Brett | June 11, 2018 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.