TB1057- Toyota Landcruiser V8 and Prado stopping at quarter tank full Clinton Brett | June 6, 2019 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.
TB1051- Toyota Hilux, Prado & Hiace low power, no turbo boost Clinton Brett | April 15, 2019 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.
TB1050- Toyota boost faults on Hilux, Prado, Hiace and Land Cruiser engines Clinton Brett | April 15, 2019 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.
TB1049- Toyota Hiace 1KDFTV & 2KDFTV blocked intercooler Clinton Brett | April 15, 2019 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.
TB1040- Toyota Fuel pump timing specifications Clinton Brett | December 3, 2018 To access this post, you must purchase a Diesel Help Membership plan.